On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 04:44:51PM -0300, Steve Song wrote:
Hi all,
Is there an obvious choice for web-based visualisation of batman-adv networks? We currently use a custom product (SPUD - http://dev.villagetelco.org/trac/browser/spud/trunk/INSTALL) built specifically for Village Telco but would prefer to join our efforts to a broader community-based effort. I am aware of
Nodewatcher http://nodewatcher.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html and Nodeshot http://wiki.ninux.org/InstallNodeshot
but both of these take a little adapting to batman-adv. Is there anything out there that has been developed specifically for batman-adv?
I know about people in Ninux that wrote a script taking the output of "batctl vd dot" and converting it in a format understandable by nodeshot.
In ninux they have a mesh network running batman-adv and it is entirely shown on the map server ;-)
Maybe you can try to ask them via the mailing list? Bye!