Hi Clemens,
wow, you're quick and eager, great spirit (woops, guess there is too much soccer talking around here during these days again :D)! Well, anyway, we'll get your setup fitting your needs, no worries :). Therefore, what are your plans for 20.00 tonight yet? It might be easier to discuss these things then via irc. Your goal might also not be 100% clear yet and from my guesses so far at least three possible ways come to my mind and others might have even different ideas for solutions :) (which are simpler than the ones I usually come up with :P). So chatting would be great to avoid misunderstandings. Marek and me and probably some more would be there then.
We tried tinc now, but the problem does still exist. Our Tinc config looks like this:
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/tinc/batvpn/tinc.conf Hostnames=yes Mode=Switch name=floh1111 ConnectTo=batgw
Normal ping over vpn till package size 1453 works. If I increase the package size to 1454 ping fails.
All devices have an mtu of 1530 except bat0 and br-mesh which have an mtu of 1500. Batman is running on the tinc device tap0 and our bridge looks like this:
config 'interface' 'mesh' option 'type' 'bridge' option 'ifname' 'ath0 bat0' option 'proto' 'static' option 'ipaddr' '' option 'netmask' '' option 'mtu' '1500' option 'dns' ''
This feature of tinc only works on IP packets, not batman-adv ethernetframes. Sorry for not stating that before, thought you'd have a different / easier setup: sending ip packets over the vpn and just bridging the clients into the same subnet (so bridging ath0 + bat0 + tap0 and not adding tap0 into batman-adv). I think in version 1.0.12 of tinc, you also still had to enable PMTUDiscovery in the tinc.conf explicitly, also only 1.0.13 has a working implementation of the TCP mss tempering.
Anyway, this or your current setup, they both have pros and cons which we should talk about on irc, I guess :).
Cheers, Linus
If I decrease the mtu on the client that has no batman advanced to 1481, everything works fine.
Think we need help again^^ Clemens