-----Original Message----- From: battlemesh-bounces@ml.ninux.org [mailto:battlemesh- bounces@ml.ninux.org] On Behalf Of Juliusz Chroboczek Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 2:10 PM To: Battle of the Mesh Mailing List Cc: b.a.t.m.a.n@lists.open-mesh.org Subject: Re: [Battlemesh] Diversity in BATMAN
The metric is simply based on TQ. C=S will probably have a better local TQ than C'-S because of the load balancing over the two links,
Sorry for the confusion, I used < = > to mark a different frequency than < - >. There's only the one link between C and S, it's just using a different (non-interfering) frequency.
Ah, O.K.
Humm, the answer stays the same :-)
C=S will probably have a better TQ if it is not getting as much interference due to collisions. A will get to know about this in the path TQ. Better still, B-C will also probably have a better TQ, since the link C=S is not interfering with it. So the path TQ is even better. A gets all this.