On Friday 16 November 2012 12:04:08 Donald Gordon wrote:
(sorry for the very late reply)
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Simon Wunderlich
simon.wunderlich@s2003.tu-chemnitz.de wrote:
You are about to enable batman-adv on 'eth0' which already is part of a bridge. Unless you know exactly what you are doing this is probably wrong and won't work the way you think it would.
You may want to explain your scenario, maybe we can come up with a solution together.
I think what I really want to know is the answer to this question.
In a network with topology:
node 1: bat0 bridged to wired lan 0, over wifi batman can see node 2
node 2: bat0 bridged to wired lan 1, over wifi batman can see nodes 1,3
node 3: bat0 bridged to wired lan 1, over wifi batman can see nodes 2,4
node 4: bat0 bridged to wired lan 2, over wifi batman can see node 3
how will packets from wired lan 0 to wired lan 2 make their way between nodes 2 and 3? Will Batman be able to use the wired link or will they just go through wifi?
Ethernet is not added as interface to bat0? Then it will only use the wifi- links for the mesh because it was told to do so by the person creating the configuration.
Kind regards, Sven