I see openwrt uci file you can define multiple mesh section, what happen if i define different mesh interfaces like bat0 and bat1 on every nodes?
I will have 2 separated layer 2 networks?
2011/4/21 Gioacchino Mazzurco gmazzurco89@gmail.com
I see openwrt uci file you can define multiple mesh section, what happen if i define different mesh interfaces like bat0 and bat1 on every nodes?
I will have 2 separated layer 2 networks?
2011/4/21 Marek Lindner lindner_marek@yahoo.de
On Thursday 21 April 2011 18:29:45 you wrote:
Why this message got rejected by filter?
Your email contains HTML which is rejected by the mailing list because 99% of all HTML mails are SPAM. As soon as you deactivate HTML your mails will get through.
Regards, Marek