On Tuesday 19 June 2012 13:44:37 sebastien bindel wrote:
Hello everybody,
I'm a student who implementing batman-adv in the NS-3 simulator. But I have some questions.
Just my opinion: I don't know about every implementation, but most of them were buggy/incomplete and had not many things to do with the reality. So keep an eye on verification and validation. Modelling and simulation can only work when done right and many people forget to check their results in an validation step (validation, validation and again validation).
And you should be aware that you are shooting at moving targets.
First : To determine if a link is unidirectionnal or not you use the Echo Quality ?
More or less
http://git.open-mesh.org/?p=batman-adv.git;a=blob;f=bat_iv_ogm.c;h=1dfe0e497... http://git.open-mesh.org/?p=batman-adv.git;a=blob;f=bat_iv_ogm.c;h=1dfe0e497...
Second : To remove entry in originator table you use a garbage collector like in Batman III ?
http://git.open-mesh.org/?p=batman-adv.git;a=blob;f=originator.c;h=fc1ce26ac... http://git.open-mesh.org/?p=batman-adv.git;a=blob;f=originator.c;h=fc1ce26ac...
But keep in mind that the content of the originator table has MIA entries does not mean that we still sent stuff to them and only recover after these entries were removed.
And removing them from the originator table also doesn't mean that an originator isn't referenced by other structures. This means that the data structure of an originator can be removed a lot later.
Third : Why in local and global translation you use roaming, why not just remove and add the node ?
Kind regards, Sven