On Sunday, 16 February 2020 19:20:41 CET Emilie Meyer wrote: [...]
root@OpenWrt:~# ip link set eth0 master mesh-bridge ip: either "dev" is duplicate, or "master" is garbage
OpenWrt 18.06.4, r7808-ef686b7292
The problem here is that the networking/libiproute/iplink.c from busybox in OpenWrt 18.04.x has the code for the "master" interface configuration disabled. You have various options:
* switch to the current release OpenWrt 19.07 * switch from busybox's iplink applet to the package ip-full * use netifd to configure the interfaces [1] * use brctl to configure the bridge slave interfaces
brctl addif mesh-bridge eth0
Kind regards, Sven
[1] https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/batman-adv/wiki/Batman-adv-openwrt-config...