On Tuesday, May 07, 2013 15:36:09 cmsv wrote:
so, I know it is the imcompatibility of my phone's kernel version and the compile tool's, which seems easy to solve. But, here is the question, If I want to develope a software for a lot of users, I can't get their kernel version and compile each batman-adv.ko for them, and unfortunately, android has various different versions.
How about let android compile its own batman-adv.ko? But I think it is of great difficulity.
You are right that compiling a kernel module for different versions and kernels out there is an uphill battle. An application in userspace is better suited for this approach. Alternatively, you have to convince the manufacturer to build batman-adv by default - batman-adv is part of the stock Linux kernel after all.
Nonetheless, even if you manage to solve the software compilation, distribution and adhoc mode inavailability / wifi bugs with different drivers you still have biggest issue unaddressed: power consumption. Ad-hoc mode has no power save mode I know of which leads to a steady battery drain as soon as you turn on your wifi. You don't even need to turn meshing and you can watch your smartphone's battery die
Of course, driving into the desert to show how 2 smartphones can talk to each other over a mesh is quite catchy but totally impractical in today's life. Until power saving can be solved in an intelligent manner everything else is a pointless exercise.
And no, carrying a car battery in your hand bag to power your phone is not a practical solution either. ;-)
Cheers, Marek