Hi All
I'm interested in a long-range, low bandwidth, low power mesh network.
I'm wondering if it's as easy as buying a Tplink 3020, sticking OpenWrt on it and plugging in a LoRa USB http://webshop.imst.de/radio-modules/lora-products/iu880b-long-range-usb-ada... then configuring BATMAN to talk over that interface?
The aim is to Run MDP over it http://developer.servalproject.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:tech:mdp So that mobile phones can access data/short messages over the wireless interface of the TPlink/ OpenWRT device, using the Serval app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.servalproject&hl=en_GB (VOIP isn't going to be possible)
So LoRa as level 1 BATMAN as level 2 MDP as level 3
Is this at all feasible? Is it easy? (I suspect not!)
Has anyone tried BATMAN over LoRa?
More on LoRa here: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54cecce7e4b054df1848b5f9/t/57489e6e07e...