On Friday 23 January 2009 01:26:18 Sven Eckelmann wrote: [...]
Hm, sounds interesting, but I see different problems. First thing is the different copyright. You specified GPL2 for the batman(-adv) documentation and Wesley released his stuff as CC-by-nc-sa-3.0. These licenses aren't compatible in the way that you relicense his work under the GPL2 [2], but you can ask him if he relicenses his work.
Ok, I asked him and he agreed.
The second thing is that somebody has to rewrite it into XML Docbook. This isn't that bad but I will definitely not doing anything like that until somebody explained me why you are using a SGML Docbook tool to convert a XML docbook to your target format. When you try it on another distribution than debian etch/lenny you will propably receive an error (try for example one of our public accessible machines at tuc).
Pushed fix in a clone of your git repo and requested merge.
And maybe somebody can answer the question what is the right way to do the conversation job? I found different references that their is/was some xsl stylesheet to convert them to pdf but I don't want to fiddle about xsltproc and different xsl paths on each plattform. I tried xmlto some time ago (small shell script which does all the xslt stuff for me), but the output was quite bad and it had problems with the images (hm, reminds me on the fact that the current way the images are handled inside batman-adv-doc is a hack too).
Seems to be better now. xmlto with fo output +fop isn't that bad. Their are problems with images when you try to generate pdf directly but generating ps and then pdf works fine. I read that renderx xep works better, but it is a commercial tool.
Regards, Sven