Hello everyone.
I have three mesh nodes. Node A don’t see node C. A can't communicate with C directly, but it can commuticate with C via node B, which is between A and C. The path is A - B - C.
On node A, I can run the command 'batctl ping MAC' to node B and node C successfully. When i try the normal layer 3 ping [ping IP] it’s ok to node B for node C doesn't work. Maybe i have a wrong configuration at layer 3.
My configurations:
config interface 'lan' option ifname 'eth0.1' option type 'bridge' option proto 'static' option ipaddr '' option netmask ‘'
config interface 'mesh' option ifname 'adhoc0' option mtu '1528' option proto 'static' option mesh 'bat0' option ipaddr '' option netmask ‘'
config wifi-iface option device 'radio0' option ifname 'adhoc0' option network 'mesh' option mode 'adhoc' option ssid 'batman-mesh' option encryption 'none' option bssid '02:CA:FE:CA:CA:40’
config mesh 'bat0' option interfaces 'adhoc0' option 'aggregated_ogms' option ‘ap_isolation' [..]
root@OpenWrt:~# batctl if adhoc0: active
the difference between nodes is the ip address for interface lan(,, and mesh (,,
What i need to setup to can ping from node A to C?
Best Regards.