On Monday, 25 May 2020 16:59:23 CEST Alexey Ermakov wrote:
Below I provide ethernet MAC addresses, tables with throughput overrid to 100kbit/s and tables without output override. Note that in case without override batman detects throughput about 100mbit/s. This is not quiet correct, because as I say before, nodes connects to modems and throughput from node to modem is 100mbit/s, but actual speed of modem is 145 kbit/sб therefore I should set throughput override
I am surprised you still are configuring a throughput override of 100kbit/s. What's the idea behind this configuration ? As explained before, by configuring this low throughput value you are preventing any multi-hop route detection. Is that intended ?
Tables without throughput override:
Since the throughput is auto-detected in your setup why are you configuring a manual throughput override ?
Now that we see the tables where do we see what issue ? What is not working as per your expectation ?
Kind regards, Marek Lindner