On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 12:45:55 AM Daniele Furlan wrote:
This patch avoid local TQ drop in case of heavy load. In this case, rebroadcast can be delayed more than orig_interval causing the receiver to incorrectly drop old packets without marking them as received.
I applied the patch (in revision 9e80af2) with the following commit message:
accept delayed rebroadcasts to avoid bogus routing under heavy load
When a link is saturated (re)broadcasts of OGMs are delayed. Under heavy load this delay may exceed the orig interval which leads to OGMs being dropped (the code would only accept an OGM rebroadcast if it arrived before the next OGM was broadcasted). With this patch batman-adv will also accept delayed OGMs in order to avoid a bogus influence on the routing metric.
Thanks, Marek