On Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018 19:44:28 CEST Linus Lüssing wrote: [...]
- @flags: a pointer to store TT flags for the given @orig_node and @entry to
- @flags: a pointer to store TT flags for this client to
- @flags: a pointer to store TT flags to
Antonio wanted to have some changes here. From IRC:
<ecsv> ordex: any objections to T_X's last patch version? https://patchwork.open-mesh.org/patch/17355/ <ordex> hm is this correct: "@flags: a pointer to store TT flags for the given @orig_node and @entry to" ? <ordex> entry to ? <ordex> the rest looks ok <ecsv> maybe "@flags: a pointer to store TT flags of the given @orig_node and @entry" is better ? <ordex> ecsv: maybe ""@flags: a pointer to store TT flags for the given @entry received from @orig_node"
Kind regards, Sven