I've never seen the BATMAN kernel bits even submitted for review on netdev@vger.kernel.org and getting your code upstream via submission there would be a prerequesite before we could be discussing a mailing list on vger.
I'm not even sure the getting your kernel bits upstream is even something you want, or whether the networking maintainer (that's me :-) would consider your code and approach acceptable.
Either we need to find another list server, or we explain we have been talking to GregKH and are planning to go via staging.
We have a catch-22 here with vger. It seems like you need to be near for submission to get an account, but we don't really want to submit until we have an open list.
What ever we decide, we should explain the situation to his guy. As net maintainer he has the power to decide if we ever make it out of staging into the net part of mainline.