I was trying to understand how batman-adv encapsulates ethernet frames. Batman dissector of wireshark, shows an ethernet II section, then a batman section, then again an ethernet II section. Is this rappresentation respects the original capsulated header format? I couldn't find a scheme that shows fields of an encapsulated header in the documentation. So with wireshark, it tells me something like that:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dst.Mac|Src.Mac|Type|Packt Type|Version|TTL|Seq.No|Dst.Mac|Src.Mac|Type ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________/____________________________/__________________/ First Ethernet Batman Section Second Ethernet II Section II Section
Why there are two times destination and source mac addresses? I want to retrieve mac addresses of originators of packets by working on raw packet data. But i'm a little bit confused with this scheme. Sorry if it's a banal question, i don't have much experience with networking. Thanks for any help.