Marek Lindner schrieb am 10.11.2010 12:06:18:
[Bild entfernt]
Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] [PATCHv2] batman-adv: Allow promiscuous reception of unicast packets
Marek Lindner
The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking, Linus
10.11.2010 12:08
[Bild entfernt]
Marek Lindner
"The list for a Better Approach To Mobile Ad-hoc Networking", Linus Lüssing
On Wednesday 10 November 2010 01:48:13 Linus Lüssing wrote:
Firstly, a very mobile node moving towards the sender along the hop
benefits from this as for such a mobility pattern the reception
increases, no matter how slow the topology convergence speed is.
Would you mind explaining why you think it helps for mobile nodes in the
scenario you mention ? If I understand it correctly it helps for data originating from a
node traveling towards the mobile node but this is less critical (assuming the mobile node has a higher orig interval).
Correct, I was assuming equal intervals ;). Yes, this is usually not critical, but just found it note worthy anyway, that you could possibly move towards the sender along the path as fast as you wish without losing the stream from the sender, being independent of the receivers OGM interval.
For data originating at the mobile node traveling towards the non-mobile node it will only help if
bothnodes are
single hop neighbors.
That's not what I've been claiming afaik :). And if both nodes are just one hop away, then you don't have any advantage of this promisc-reception anyway.
Hope that paragraph did not cause too much confusion, if you think there's something misleading in it, I can change it, no problem.
Regards, Marek
Cheers, Linus