On 01/07/14 10:50, Linus Lüssing wrote:
It could be a problem with a not yet updated MAC address table in the bridge, therefore the bridge on node A not forwarding ICMP requests from client 1 towards client 2.
Hey Linus,
I agree that the problem is probably in the bridge, but how can it be an inconsistency in the table given that the bridge is receiving the Echo requests from client 2 through bat0?
Shouldn't this immediately update the bridge table to reflect the client movement (client2 --is-behind--> bat0)?
@Simon: are you sure that the client is not associated anymore with node A at that moment (maybe it was jumping here and there)? You said that you can fix situation this by deleting the station entry, but is this station entry obsolete at that point? (meaning: is the inactivity time high? - you can see this through the "iw dev wlan0 station get <client2 mac>" command before deleting it) If not, it can be that something wrong is happening at the wifi layer and given the driver you are using (ath5k) it would not be totally unexpected.
I am asking this because I expect the station to disappear immediately in case of roaming (the client usually deauthenticates itself before associating with the new AP). Still, we can have cases when this does not happen, but the AP should be able to react properly.