I created three Fedora virtual machines to get some alfred jsondoc format output. I followed [1] and [2] but I edited some commands because virtual machines obviously do not own wireless network interfaces. Since it is the first time I use batman+alfred I want to show you the entire list of commands (that have been runned on all the virtual machines.) I used before asking my question
# ip link set dev enp0s3 mtu 1532 # batctl if add enp0s3 # ip link set bat0 up # alfred -i enp0s3 -m
The # ip addr of all virtual machines is [3] Then I opened a new console
# cat /etc/hostname | alfred -s 65 # alfred -r 65 then I got [4] as the Examples paragraph [2] suggested # batadv-vis --format=jsondoc and I got [5]
Question: do you have any suggestion how I can extend the jsondoc output, to get an output similar to [6]?
Thank you for your time
[1] http://www.open-mesh.org/projects/batman-adv/wiki/Quick-start-guide [2] http://downloads.open-mesh.org/batman/manpages/alfred.8.html [3] http://i.imgur.com/IR9pSJg.jpg [4] http://i.imgur.com/hEP4oV7.jpg [5] http://i.imgur.com/Tb1hRHl.jpg [6] https://github.com/ninuxorg/netdiff/blob/master/tests/static/batman-1%2B1.js...