On Monday 07 September 2009 21:40:48 Michael Rack wrote:
The interface where batman is running on have MTU 1460 (Standard Ethernet - UDP VPN Overload) on HOST #1. The interface where batman is running on have MTU 1500 (Standard Ethernet) on HOST #2.
Ok, that is what I expected. Batman will take the 29 Bytes it needs from the given MTU.
Yes, the iptables-command does the trick for me. This iptalbes-filter was known before. I added the filter to the mangle-table as the problem occurs.
Ok, I'll make a patch to let batman handle this automatically. Thanks for bringing this up.
Correct. I've added some rules with "to any", and this does the trick. In addition i use my own policy-routing-script, because the "throw" event makes the routing-table a little fuzzy. Now i have only two routing-tables "batman_hosts" and "batman_networks". In my policy-routing-script i do the seperation between both tables.
You will need the throw routes as soon as you use the tunneling.
My policy-routing-script is attached.
Nice - happy to see it in action. :-)
Regards, Marek