Hello again, can't determine exactly since when, but avahi is acting funny in QuintanaLibre :(
two computers (pbx and veci) connected to different nodes in the mesh can't always resolve hostnames through avahi
pbx ]=eth==[ nicoyjesi --> .. --> .. --> wlan1(czuk)wlan0 <--> natychucho ]==eth=[ veci (cf. attached dotgraph)
question from pbx is broadcasted perfectly and reaches veci, veci replies, natychucho broadcasts the replly through wifi , gets to czuk wlan0, but czuk doesn't re-broadcast it , silently dropping the packet.
relevant tcpdump http://pastebin.com/6xLmDqe5 you can see question coming in through czuk(wlan1), rebroadcasted through czuk(wlan0), reach veci, veci reply, czuk(wlan0) gets reply, but doesn't retransmit it through czuk(wlan1) :(
iptables @ czuk looks sane http://pastebin.com/mFUFuNdC
## czuk has two wifi interfaces, both in ap mode, managed by batman ## natychucho is connected to wlan0 in client mode, ## and cisterna is client to wlan1. no WDS whatsoever. root@czuk:~# batctl if wlan0: active wlan1: active root@czuk:~# brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces br-lan 8000.54e6fcb98e2b no eth0 bat0
complete live config can be lurked in https://bitbucket.org/nicoechaniz/quintanalibre-configs/src/d9bd3603824d/czu...
I don't find any reason batman would be involved in this, but iptables is discarded as a suspect, and AFAICS there are no other factors messing with the packets (maybe it's a bit late night :) ). No bridges whatsoever. In fact, packet is catched by batctl td coming in at wlan0.
Any hints or experiences will be greatly appreciated as always!