Holger Levsen wrote:
I've shortened Gregs mail to only have the relevant info for this list :-) Full mail is at http://lists.debian.org/debian-kernel/2009/10/msg00236.html
There was an announcement some hours ago which explains the (possible) backgrounds further[1]. It looks like the packages which builds binary packages from out-of-the-tree modules gets removed and it is now preferred to send the source upstream to staging by the author of the module, patch the kernel sources to include the must-have kernel modules or use the dkms[2] to build kernel modules.
I will search for some more information what must be done to support dkms and send some patches if it looks promising for upstream. There is currently only one package[3] in Debian which supports it. So lets see if we can add a second and third one :)
Best regards, Sven
[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/10/msg00003.html [2] http://linux.dell.com/projects.shtml#dkms [3] http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/openafs-modules-dkms