the oldest kernel still supported via linux-stable reached its EOL [1]. It looks like also the distribution releases with such an old kernel are starting to die [2]. So I would propose to first disable the checks for kernels < 3.2 from the daily build_tests [3]. Then someone would have to change the oldest supported kernel in README.external and CHANGELOG. The last step would be to remove the actual support from the compat files [4,5].
This would remove 13 of the ~38 supported kernels. Or to say it with years: The oldest kernel supported will only be 4 years old and not anymore ~7 years.
Any opinions about that?
Kind regards, Sven
[1] https://lkml.org/lkml/2016/1/29/647 [2] Debian squeeze LTS ended on 2016-02-29 https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Using [3] https://patchwork.open-mesh.org/patch/4588/ [4] https://patchwork.open-mesh.org/patch/4592/ [5] Yes, this should remove the really fantastic warning "subtraction of functions? Share your drugs"