On Tuesday, 16 March 2021 14:17:50 CET oytunyapar@hotmail.com wrote:
Do you suggest, batman-adv, for speeds like 2.4kbit/s (very slow networks)?
No, the discovery and link quality propagation packets can easily consume more bandwidth than you have here. Of course, this depends highly on your setup and configuration. For B.A.T.M.A.N. IV, there is at least a chance to support it because it has no idea about the throughput. But B.A.T.M.A.N. V's throughput metric is not made for such a slow link speed.
Is there any way, feeding neighbor information to batman-adv externally (etc. using DLEP protocol, as an external link monitor)?
No, not at the moment. And you also have to be very careful not to introduce bogus TQs or throughput values when doing things like this.
But in theory, you could write something to inject such information via some new netlink based "protocol".
Kind regards, Sven