Hey Jaideep,
as Sven mentioned correctly, using the WPA sequence numbers in WPA_NONE should be ignored. Some drivers (like madwifi) have to be teached to do that. Sequence numbers do not make much sense in Ad-Hoc anyway, as there is no central management for these sequence numbers. Of course, you lack some security features like detecting replay attacks or changing session keys which you have in master/station WPA.
best regards, Simon
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 06:06:55PM -0600, LAMBA Jaideep wrote:
I tried WPA_NONE and CCMP with wpa_supplicant on both the sides with preshared keys. By doing this you are right nobody can see the data and I get encryption and authentication. But here comes a twist. Lets say I power off one node completely after initial secure session. When he comes up wpa_supplicant starts off with 0 as sequence number. On the other node sequence number might be greater (or way greater) which causes other node to believe that he is experiencing a MIC_FAILURE attack.
Based on my understanding drivers are needed to sync up TSF in adhoc networks which will eventually setup the right key and hence establish the session back. But that's isnt available now.
So do we have any layer 2 security on adhoc networks that are currently being deployed.
Thanks, Jaideep
Are there any solutions currently under implementation for providing security (other than open/wep) over adhoc networks ?
What kind of security do you need? Security is a big field. Maybe you
just mean encryption and authentication.....
When you only want to make the whole wlan stuff unreadable for the
outside, you could just use WPA_NONE. But this doesn't resolve the problem that the key could leak and make the mesh >attackable - but that is something which could always happen. So it is probably not a solution for freifunk projects, but for mesh networks controlled by a company.
There are other ideas for traffic over batman-adv. Just forget about
encrypting your data over wifi, but instead do everything some layers above it. I think Linus had some ideas in implementing the >needed authentication and encryption over IPsec in a mesh. I am not sure what his ideas were exactly, but maybe he could add some more information about that.
And most of the encryption and authentication stuff has to be resolved
by the user and not by the network provider. This means https for sensible data instead of http, ssh instead of telnet, pop3s >instead of pop3 and so on.
So it really depends what you want and cannot be resolved in a
"security for everything, against any attack and for every purpose" blob.
Best regards, Sven