I am trying to use B.A.T.M.A.N. on a wired mesh network (ethx
interfaces) version: batctl 2017.0 [batman-adv: 2017.0.1], but I got
very/no bandwith over the BATMAN interfaces.
I have PC1 which is Intel based, 64 bit, kernel 4.9.0-3-amd64, OS is
Debian, build batman from sources:
- eth0 address
- bat0 address
I have PC2 which is ARM based, 32 bit, kernel 4.6.0-xilinx-v2016.3, OS
is yocto build, build batman from sources
- eth0 address
- bat0 address
PC1 and PC2 are directly connected with ethernet cable (no switch in the
I did network measurements with iperf (TCP and UDP) between PC1 and PC2
in 2 conditions:
- Without using batman, I got symmectric bandwidth between PC1 and PC2
(measured TCP and UDP on ethx interface), TCP bandwidth is 300-400 Mbits/sec
- With using batman, I got something strange: bandwidh PC1 -> PC2 is
22 Kbit/sec and bandwidth PC2 -> PC1 is 110 Mbit/sec (measured TCP on
bat0 interfaces)
Also for UDP measurements I got bandwidth=0 measured PC1 -> PC2 and
222 Mbit/sec PC2 -> PC1
There is no firewall active on both devices.
Does anybody has an idea why I got no bandwidth in 1 Direction? Is there
something I should configure when I build and want to use batman on 2
different types of operating systems / CPU?
I also did tests between 2 devices of type PC2, then I got symmetric
bandwidths in both directions:
- without using batman: 430 Mbits/s in both directions PC1 <> PC2
- with using batman: 125 Mbit/s in both directions PC1 <> PC2
So here I see a large drop of the TCP bandwidth by using batman 430 ->
125 Mbit/s. Is this normal behavior?
Can anybody tell me where and how I can see debug messages from Batman?
Kind Regards,
Mattias Vanhoutte