Name of failed tests
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_v.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/distributed-arp-table.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/main.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/multicast.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/originator.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/routing.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/send.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/sysfs.c
* checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/tp_meter.c
* difference between net and batadv maint
Output of different failed tests
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE'
#919: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:919:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED'
#919: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:919:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming == if_outgoing'
#1267: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1267:
+ if (if_outgoing && (if_incoming == if_outgoing) &&
+ batadv_is_wifi_hardif(if_outgoing))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'ret != BATADV_NEIGH_DUP'
#1372: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1372:
+ if (is_dup && (ret != BATADV_NEIGH_DUP))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around '!orig_neigh_router'
#1518: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1518:
+ if (!is_single_hop_neigh && (!orig_neigh_router)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'dup_status == BATADV_NO_DUP'
#1538: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1538:
+ if (is_bidirect && ((dup_status == BATADV_NO_DUP) ||
+ (sameseq && similar_ttl))) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'ogm_packet->ttl <= 2'
#1556: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1556:
+ if ((ogm_packet->ttl <= 2) &&
+ (if_incoming != if_outgoing)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming != if_outgoing'
#1556: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1556:
+ if ((ogm_packet->ttl <= 2) &&
+ (if_incoming != if_outgoing)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around '!is_single_hop_neigh'
#1593: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:1593:
+ if ((orig_neigh_node) && (!is_single_hop_neigh))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'tmp_gw_factor > max_gw_factor'
#2526: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:2526:
+ if ((tmp_gw_factor > max_gw_factor) ||
+ ((tmp_gw_factor == max_gw_factor) &&
+ (tq_avg > max_tq))) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'tmp_gw_factor == max_gw_factor'
#2526: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:2526:
+ if ((tmp_gw_factor > max_gw_factor) ||
+ ((tmp_gw_factor == max_gw_factor) &&
+ (tq_avg > max_tq))) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'tq_avg > max_tq'
#2526: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c:2526:
+ if ((tmp_gw_factor > max_gw_factor) ||
+ ((tmp_gw_factor == max_gw_factor) &&
+ (tq_avg > max_tq))) {
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 12 checks, 2866 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_v.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'bw <= max_bw'
#770: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v.c:770:
+ if (curr_gw && (bw <= max_bw))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 1 checks, 1154 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'throughput != SPEED_UNKNOWN'
#137: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.c:137:
+ if (throughput && (throughput != SPEED_UNKNOWN))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE'
#266: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.c:266:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED'
#266: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.c:266:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (hard_iface->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 checks, 545 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'throughput > 10'
#307: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:307:
+ if ((throughput > 10) &&
+ (if_incoming == if_outgoing) &&
+ !(if_incoming->bat_v.flags & BATADV_FULL_DUPLEX))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming == if_outgoing'
#307: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:307:
+ if ((throughput > 10) &&
+ (if_incoming == if_outgoing) &&
+ !(if_incoming->bat_v.flags & BATADV_FULL_DUPLEX))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'seq_diff < 0'
#458: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:458:
+ if ((seq_diff < 0) && !protection_started)
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'neigh_seq_diff < BATADV_OGM_MAX_ORIGDIFF'
#571: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:571:
+ if ((neigh_seq_diff < BATADV_OGM_MAX_ORIGDIFF) &&
+ (router_throughput >= neigh_throughput))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'router_throughput >= neigh_throughput'
#571: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:571:
+ if ((neigh_seq_diff < BATADV_OGM_MAX_ORIGDIFF) &&
+ (router_throughput >= neigh_throughput))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'seqno_age > 0'
#624: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:624:
+ if ((seqno_age > 0) && (if_outgoing == BATADV_IF_DEFAULT))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing == BATADV_IF_DEFAULT'
#624: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c:624:
+ if ((seqno_age > 0) && (if_outgoing == BATADV_IF_DEFAULT))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 7 checks, 897 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/distributed-arp-table.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'tmp_max == max'
#495: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/distributed-arp-table.c:495:
+ if ((tmp_max == max) && max_orig_node &&
+ (batadv_compare_eth(candidate->orig, max_orig_node->orig) > 0))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 1 checks, 1334 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around '!next_gw'
#251: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c:251:
+ if ((curr_gw) && (!next_gw)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'gw_node->bandwidth_down == ntohl(gateway->bandwidth_down)'
#414: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c:414:
+ if ((gw_node->bandwidth_down == ntohl(gateway->bandwidth_down)) &&
+ (gw_node->bandwidth_up == ntohl(gateway->bandwidth_up)))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'gw_node->bandwidth_up == ntohl(gateway->bandwidth_up)'
#414: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c:414:
+ if ((gw_node->bandwidth_down == ntohl(gateway->bandwidth_down)) &&
+ (gw_node->bandwidth_up == ntohl(gateway->bandwidth_up)))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 checks, 791 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'bw_unit_type == BATADV_BW_UNIT_MBIT'
#59: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:59:
+ if ((strncasecmp(tmp_ptr, "kbit", 4) == 0) ||
+ (bw_unit_type == BATADV_BW_UNIT_MBIT))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'down_curr == down_new'
#193: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:193:
+ if ((down_curr == down_new) && (up_curr == up_new))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'up_curr == up_new'
#193: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:193:
+ if ((down_curr == down_new) && (up_curr == up_new))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'tvlv_value_len < sizeof(gateway)'
#227: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:227:
+ (tvlv_value_len < sizeof(gateway))) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'gateway.bandwidth_down == 0'
#235: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:235:
+ if ((gateway.bandwidth_down == 0) ||
+ (gateway.bandwidth_up == 0)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'gateway.bandwidth_up == 0'
#235: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:235:
+ if ((gateway.bandwidth_down == 0) ||
+ (gateway.bandwidth_up == 0)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'gateway.bandwidth_down != 0'
#245: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c:245:
+ if ((gateway.bandwidth_down != 0) &&
+ (atomic_read(&bat_priv->gw.mode) == BATADV_GW_MODE_CLIENT))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 7 checks, 274 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE'
#507: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c:507:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE) &&
+ (hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED'
#507: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c:507:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE) &&
+ (hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE'
#571: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c:571:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE) &&
+ (hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED'
#571: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c:571:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE) &&
+ (hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE'
#657: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c:657:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE) &&
+ (hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED'
#657: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c:657:
+ if ((hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_ACTIVE) &&
+ (hard_iface->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_ACTIVATED))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 6 checks, 1028 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'socket_client->queue_len == 0'
#135: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c:135:
+ if ((file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) && (socket_client->queue_len == 0))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around '!buf'
#138: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c:138:
+ if ((!buf) || (count < sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet)))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'count < sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet)'
#138: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c:138:
+ if ((!buf) || (count < sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet)))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 checks, 406 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/main.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'curr != batadv_recv_unhandled_packet'
#547: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/main.c:547:
+ if ((curr != batadv_recv_unhandled_packet) &&
+ (curr != batadv_recv_unhandled_unicast_packet))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'curr != batadv_recv_unhandled_unicast_packet'
#547: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/main.c:547:
+ if ((curr != batadv_recv_unhandled_packet) &&
+ (curr != batadv_recv_unhandled_unicast_packet))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 2 checks, 656 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/multicast.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'tvlv_value_len >= sizeof(mcast_flags)'
#1128: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/multicast.c:1128:
+ if (orig_mcast_enabled && tvlv_value &&
+ (tvlv_value_len >= sizeof(mcast_flags)))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 1 checks, 1317 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/originator.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE'
#1065: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1065:
+ if ((if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE'
#1065: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1065:
+ if ((if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED'
#1065: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1065:
+ if ((if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE'
#1109: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1109:
+ if ((if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE'
#1109: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1109:
+ if ((if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED'
#1109: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1109:
+ if ((if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) &&
+ (if_outgoing->if_status != BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE'
#1158: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1158:
+ if ((batadv_has_timed_out(last_seen, BATADV_PURGE_TIMEOUT)) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE'
#1158: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1158:
+ if ((batadv_has_timed_out(last_seen, BATADV_PURGE_TIMEOUT)) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED'
#1158: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1158:
+ if ((batadv_has_timed_out(last_seen, BATADV_PURGE_TIMEOUT)) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE'
#1162: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1162:
+ if ((if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE'
#1162: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1162:
+ if ((if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED'
#1162: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/originator.c:1162:
+ if ((if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_INACTIVE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_NOT_IN_USE) ||
+ (if_incoming->if_status == BATADV_IF_TO_BE_REMOVED))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 12 checks, 1590 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/routing.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around '!neigh_node'
#96: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/routing.c:96:
+ if ((curr_router) && (!neigh_node)) {
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'skb->len >= sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet_rr)'
#382: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/routing.c:382:
+ if ((icmph->msg_type == BATADV_ECHO_REPLY ||
+ icmph->msg_type == BATADV_ECHO_REQUEST) &&
+ (skb->len >= sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet_rr))) {
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 2 checks, 1261 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/send.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'ret != NET_XMIT_DROP'
#145: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/send.c:145:
+ if ((hardif_neigh) && (ret != NET_XMIT_DROP))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'forw_packet->if_incoming != hard_iface'
#617: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/send.c:617:
+ if (hard_iface &&
+ (forw_packet->if_incoming != hard_iface) &&
+ (forw_packet->if_outgoing != hard_iface))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'forw_packet->if_outgoing != hard_iface'
#617: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/send.c:617:
+ if (hard_iface &&
+ (forw_packet->if_incoming != hard_iface) &&
+ (forw_packet->if_outgoing != hard_iface))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3 checks, 994 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'new_mtu < 68'
#163: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c:163:
+ if ((new_mtu < 68) || (new_mtu > batadv_hardif_min_mtu(dev)))
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'new_mtu > batadv_hardif_min_mtu(dev)'
#163: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c:163:
+ if ((new_mtu < 68) || (new_mtu > batadv_hardif_min_mtu(dev)))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 2 checks, 1153 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/sysfs.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'hard_iface->soft_iface'
#928: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/sysfs.c:928:
+ if ((hard_iface->soft_iface) &&
+ (strncmp(hard_iface->soft_iface->name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ) == 0))
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 1 checks, 1217 lines checked
master: checkpatch ./net/batman-adv/tp_meter.c
CHECK: Unnecessary parentheses around 'r == NET_XMIT_DROP'
#1209: FILE: ./net/batman-adv/tp_meter.c:1209:
+ if (unlikely(r < 0) || (r == NET_XMIT_DROP)) {
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 1 checks, 1504 lines checked
maint: difference between net and batadv maint
net/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-net-batman-adv | 30
net/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-net-mesh | 108
net/Documentation/networking/batman-adv.rst | 220
net/net/batman-adv/Kconfig | 95
net/net/batman-adv/Makefile | 47
net/net/batman-adv/bat_algo.c | 210
net/net/batman-adv/bat_algo.h | 38
net/net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.c | 2866 ++++++
net/net/batman-adv/bat_iv_ogm.h | 25
net/net/batman-adv/bat_v.c | 1154 ++
net/net/batman-adv/bat_v.h | 52
net/net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.c | 545 +
net/net/batman-adv/bat_v_elp.h | 35
net/net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.c | 897 ++
net/net/batman-adv/bat_v_ogm.h | 36
net/net/batman-adv/bitarray.c | 100
net/net/batman-adv/bitarray.h | 62
net/net/batman-adv/bridge_loop_avoidance.c | 2525 +++++
net/net/batman-adv/bridge_loop_avoidance.h | 161
net/net/batman-adv/debugfs.c | 418
net/net/batman-adv/debugfs.h | 68
net/net/batman-adv/distributed-arp-table.c | 1334 +++
net/net/batman-adv/distributed-arp-table.h | 178
net/net/batman-adv/fragmentation.c | 556 +
net/net/batman-adv/fragmentation.h | 56
net/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.c | 791 +
net/net/batman-adv/gateway_client.h | 55
net/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.c | 274
net/net/batman-adv/gateway_common.h | 55
net/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.c | 1028 ++
net/net/batman-adv/hard-interface.h | 112
net/net/batman-adv/hash.c | 80
net/net/batman-adv/hash.h | 148
net/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.c | 406
net/net/batman-adv/icmp_socket.h | 50
net/net/batman-adv/log.c | 229
net/net/batman-adv/log.h | 112
net/net/batman-adv/main.c | 656 +
net/net/batman-adv/main.h | 308
net/net/batman-adv/multicast.c | 1317 ++
net/net/batman-adv/multicast.h | 78
net/net/batman-adv/netlink.c | 640 +
net/net/batman-adv/netlink.h | 38
net/net/batman-adv/network-coding.c | 1989 ++++
net/net/batman-adv/network-coding.h | 132
net/net/batman-adv/originator.c | 1590 +++
net/net/batman-adv/originator.h | 133
net/net/batman-adv/packet.h | 621 +
net/net/batman-adv/routing.c | 1261 ++
net/net/batman-adv/routing.h | 58
net/net/batman-adv/send.c | 994 ++
net/net/batman-adv/send.h | 125
net/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.c | 1153 ++
net/net/batman-adv/soft-interface.h | 43
net/net/batman-adv/sysfs.c | 1217 ++
net/net/batman-adv/sysfs.h | 58
net/net/batman-adv/tp_meter.c | 1504 +++
net/net/batman-adv/tp_meter.h | 34
net/net/batman-adv/translation-table.c | 4425 ++++++++++
net/net/batman-adv/translation-table.h | 69
net/net/batman-adv/tvlv.c | 638 +
net/net/batman-adv/tvlv.h | 61
net/net/batman-adv/types.h | 1649 +++
64 files changed, 35948 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Failed tests: 17
Started build tests: 71
Tested Linux versions: 31
Tested configs: 55
Failed tests: 1
Started build tests: 73
Tested Linux versions: 30
Tested configs: 56