Hi Sven,
There is nothing like batman-adv 3.2. Where did you got it from?

Sorry, my fault, i meant 0.3.2 release.

> Only one wireless interface (wlan0) on each linux box (5 boxes by now)
> Here are commands I fire on each node:
> $ insmod batman-adv.ko
> $ iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc essid BATMAN_NET
> $ echo wlan0 > /proc/net/batman-adv/interfaces
> $ ifconfig wlan0 192.168.1.xxx up
> $ ifconfig bat0 up
You must give bat0 also an ip to use IPv4(/6) over it... in most cases only
bat0 as it is just the hardware interface the bat0 interface is using.
If you only want to test raw ethernet data over bat0 this should work.

Ok now i have assigned ip addresses only to bat0 interface, i do ping nodes with ping command.
here are some output:

$batctl o

  Originator     (#/255)           Nexthop [outgoingIF]:   Potential nexthops ... [B.A.T.M.A.N. Adv 0.1, MainIF/MAC: wlan0/00:0b:6b:34:88:94]
00:0c:42:2c:d8:fc  (221) 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 [     wlan0]: 00:0c:42:2c:d8:fc (170) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:09 (148) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 (199) 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 (221)
00:0b:6b:2f:53:03  (220) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 [     wlan0]: 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 (220) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:09 (146) 00:0c:42:2c:d8:fc (157) 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 (201)
00:1e:4c:02:94:95  (234) 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 [     wlan0]: 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 (234) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 (191) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:09 (146) 00:0c:42:2c:d8:fc (157)
00:0b:6b:2f:53:09  (194) 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 [     wlan0]: 00:0b:6b:2f:53:09 (157) 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 (183) 00:0c:42:2c:d8:fc (138) 00:1e:4c:02:94:95 (19

It shows 4 of 5 nodes I have online at this very moment.

Say i fire ping from the box missing:

root@francesco-desktop:/home/francesco# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.16 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=3.55 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=8.01 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2011ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.167/4.911/8.012/2.198 ms

Everything ok. But if I try to batctl ping a node that I can see with  $batctl o:

root@francesco-desktop:/home/francesco# batctl ping 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03
PING 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 (00:0b:6b:2f:53:03) 19(47) bytes of data
From 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03: Destination Host Unreachable (icmp_seq 6170)
From 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03: Destination Host Unreachable (icmp_seq 6170)
From 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03: Destination Host Unreachable (icmp_seq 6170)
^C--- 00:0b:6b:2f:53:03 ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000 ms

What am I missing? I will post dump files tomorrow when i get back in the lab.


> I get a new bat0 interface, iwconfig shows nodes properly part of the
>  ad-hoc network.
> I see correct $batctl o  output but i cannot $batctl ping $mac_address
Can you please give the originator table and send some small dumps (tcpdump -
w, batctl td) of both nodes when you try to send a batctl ping?
What mac address did you use?

Best regards,

B.A.T.M.A.N mailing list

Francesco Cappuccio