Hello Dat,
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your response. I've read about Alfred, tomorrow I will try installing Alfred.
I am browsing the source code of batman adv and if I am not wrong I can create and send a user-defined message. I think I can broadcast something like a "struct sk_buff *skb;" to all clients. However I don't think this one is a good way since it may impact to the current design of batman adv. How do you think?
well in theory you can do a lot of things, but in practice I'd really not recommend to send userspace-specific stuff through the kernel. I think it would be better to just a userspace tool (alfred, wget/httpd, netcat, your own tool) to transfer this kind of data.
One more question, why browsing source code, I can not find the definition of struct sk_buff; where could I find it?
This is part of the linux kernel headers, to be found in include/linux/skbuff.h. Again, you should really look into sending this kind of information via userspace, e.g. use an UDP-socket and send a broadcast message. In case you have never done something like that, have a look at that guide:
P/S: I forgot to give the detail of my issue is that I do not know the IP addresses of all clients but I want to be able to send the configuration to them. Is it possible for Alfred to send those configuration without knowing cients' IP address by using mac-address only?
Yes, that is possible.
I haven't tried with IPv6 before. I have no IPv6 knowledge.
That's not a problem, just turn on IPv6 in your system and the interface will get a link-local address assigned automatically.
Cheers, Simon