Excellent! Is there a website for your project?

Not yet, in the next two weeks.

Are you fully committed to Batman or still in the evaluation phases?

There's room to be swayed, but batman-adv seems to be the best suited for our needs right now.  The primary concern is that the layer 2 branch isn't old enough to guarentee that it'll last - but it's free software so if it fizzles and is useful, someone will pick it up.

OSPF perhaps? :)

As I understand it, OSPF is designed for layer 3 networks.  There is no layer 3 routing going on within this network, to layer 3 protocols the entire mesh appears to be locally accessable.

We really need something that directs users to use the gateway with the highest TQ.

One method I just thought of; each gateway runs a DHCP server.  When a broadcast request is received, each gateway announces to the others their TQ to the requesting node, and after a brief timeout, the gateway with the highest TQ responds to the requesting node.

This raises a question however.  After reading the protocol document, I do not understand how the nodes on a network know which node to route frames which are destined for a MAC not belonging to a node, ie, a standard laptop connected to the mesh.  The above scenario would require knowing which node a non-node MAC is connected through.

As a completely unrelated question, how does the batman-adv 0.1 kernel module currently handle multicast frame routing?